There are 5 struggles I've encountered in business that every entrepreneur needs to learn about. It could be devastating if you let it OR it could be invigorating (you basically pick your poison, like they say). You WIN or You LEARN. And for a very long time, I thought I was losing whereas I was only learning.
Let's jump right into it.
How do you know you've picked the right business to venture into?
Before I ventured into business, I thought I knew what I wanted to do. I picked something that I felt would make a lot of money, like most people would, too. I picked it because it was cool and witty. It was daring and as a young entrepreneur, one is up for a challenge without calculating the risks involved.
I thought business was all only about what was trending and that the daring part would make it even more fulfilling. I was DEAD WRONG.
One must identify their gifts, not their passion in order to be successfully monetized in this day and age. Speaking from experience, I realized how important it is to KNOW beyond all reasonable doubt, that a particular business is what you're called to do, in helping people THRIVE and excel.
If passion is all that drives you, and you have NOT identified your purpose YET, and you'll keep dabbling into different and unsatisfying things non-stop. I have a friend who did that. In fact, his family is so tired of seeing him jump from one opportunity to another. I'm sure you know people like that. I call them "Jumpers".
Well, this behavior could be devastating, but it could also be helpful, depending on your perspective. Most people don't study themselves while trying new things. That's where the "WIN or LEARN" philosophy should come into play.
Study how you develop when trying a new business opportunity. This way, you'll learn more about yourself than you actually knew. It will help you find the RIGHT business and solidify your confidence as you approach it.
What does that even mean?
You see, "understanding" is what makes a business succeed, not skills or mere experience. O' boy, I struggled with this part so much. How do I begin to explain to you how lack of "understanding" is probably the most important of all the struggles I've experienced in business?!
When I thought I'd found the right niche to run business in, I had no clue how important it was for me to understand the niche. Every business has a niche and these niches have a language of communication that pertains to both the prospect and the business owner.
I ran my mind wild in trying to figure out why nobody was really understanding my method of communication. I didn't understand why. It was so frustrating to me how I could be so eloquent in speech yet dreadfully misunderstood.
Here's what happened, I started seeking knowledge. I started sorting out wisdom from people and lessons. I started opening my mind up to receiving information that was specific to the niche, as well as the behavior of people and things as I felt was the right one. I even studied the Bible and it helped me a whole lot.
I believe in the power of the word of God and it opened up my mind to DEEPER things. The thing I realized about understanding was that, there are levels to it too. People speak from their level of understanding. I started rising in understanding people and things that it made me not condemn people when they spoke foolishly.
I started understanding the tricks about my trade, like when to speak and when not to speak.
I started understanding the power of silence. This changed my life FOREVER. I used to be a talker. I started understanding the power in not letting people know every single part of your life. And then, I started receiving deals in the hundreds of millions of dollars. It was UNBELIEVABLE!!!
Therefore, you MUST seek understanding, not just of the business you choose, but of people and life. Perhaps, the latter comes first and then, it'll blow up your business.
You have to understand that access to the right information is just as important as the result of delivery itself. Perhaps, more.
There is a law governing the term, Information. I won't go deeply into it here but just like you have "The Law of Attraction", there is an even deeper law called "The Law of Information" that many people do not know.
However, to gain access to that realm, one must first GAIN "understanding". Trust me, you MUST strive for ACCESS TO THE RIGHT INFORMATION.
The funny thing is that there is no scarcity of information AT ALL. Not in this generation, but therein lies the challenge. You don't even have to scout for information anymore. It is brought to you, passed your doorstep and into your own hands.
However, you MUST understand that to get the right information, you MUST seek it out. It's just the dazzling princess of a kingdom. She won't throw herself at any man. No! They MUST come seeking her hand in marriage and prove their worth to her Father.
Well, that's rather an unorthodox way to put, but you get the point. First gain understanding, and then, it will give you access to the right information, which leads to the right people. Period.
I struggled with gaining access. I fought for it. I understood that it doesn't land on your lap. You have to fight for this beauty, and I did and I am still doing it today. That fight won't stop till the day I die because there are levels to this game. However, it only gets easier.
Business owners struggle with gaining access to the keys to the Kingdom. Follow the steps I've shown you and LEARN TO WAIT. Keep yourself busy while you wait in anticipation of what lies behind the door. It is so much worth it.
Of course, every business owner can relate to this because this is the area that they want to thrive. Needless to say, it's ABSOLUTELY important. To say that money has become a crucial part of our lives is a blatant understatement. It is so crucial that it somehow, governs most aspects of our lives, but there is a way to UNDERSTAND the dynamics of acquiring it.
The challenges I faced with acquiring money was imprinted in me from my background, as it has with everyone else struggling with it. The idea I had of it was "save, save, save" everything you've got. That way, when the stormy day comes, you'll be ready. Not a bad idea, but there's more to that statement than you could ever imagine.
It's more than receiving than it is about giving. However, giving is the essence of life. Nevertheless, many people don't know how to receive what's already been given.
These limitations embedded in our minds have been a hindering factor to our breakthrough as business owners. We KNOW in our Spirits that we are made for more and when we don't achieve that MORE, we are frustrated (and rightfully so) to the point of giving up even life itself.
I CANNOT stress on this enough. Money comes when you get it. The "it" here means the Wisdom it takes to manage it. Money is a spiritual element, and when I say "spiritual" most people think religiosity. No! Spiritual here means something that is not contained by space and time.
That's why you hear people say that you can earn money while you sleep. That concept marveled me for ages until I fully understood it. There is a law that governs the reception of money and it was a BIG challenge to me.
This is part of the reason why I started Diamond Ethical to help businesses gain access to direct funding for their business. It's up to you if you want access or not. It's up to you if you are willing to take the chance to grow your business or not. It's entirely up to you.
Last but not the least in any way. I know for most people this is the goal i.e. getting to the mountain top. I remember when I first read in the Bible on how King Solomon said in the book of Ecclesiastes 1:14, "...Vanity upon vanity, all is vanity." I was like, "Uhhmmm... Easier for you to say, King Solomon. You already enjoyed it all and are speaking from it. Let me enjoy it myself too, and then speak."
My understanding of that statement was that King Solomon didn't really want me to experience the top of the mountain, but NO! I was DEAD WRONG, again. Now, in my opinion, he was talking about the failure to find true meaning in the wealth since all will die.
I MUST warn you. When you eventually overcome these struggles in business, there's one last one waiting for you at the mountain top, Complacency. You could feel complacent and lose touch of the reason why you got to the mountain top in the first place.
You have now achieved all you've dreamed about. Now what? It seems as though it wasn't all that it was said to be. The accolades have subsided. You now have the Lamborghini and the mansion for the family. You can now afford traveling to Paris just to shop for your partner and can fly back the next day without worrying about the money. You're now making money while you sleep. You've STOPPED being hungry. Complacency is one of the biggest killers of wealth, even more than your lack of funds.
You may struggle with finding purpose for MORE after finding purpose to get MORE is done. There may be other challenges to face, but it will start with you being complacent when you think you've arrived.
Solution: Make sure to tune in to your Spiritual side. There's so more to the spiritual side of things than the eyes can see or the body can feel. When you're in-tune with your Spirit (which is the real you), finding purpose and defeating complacency will be a war already won.
If your business ever needs funds to grow and expand, don't hesitate to reach out and we'll be more than glad to assist you here at Diamond Ethical.
Thank you for Reading!